The Best Information on civil war gold coins
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As collectors' items, banknotes have distinct advantages over stamps and coins: They have a much larger surface area, creating more room for interesting information and attractive artwork. Compared to a coin, a banknote is extremely lightweight and thin, making a large collection much easier to store and transport. Over the postage stamp, the banknote has the advantage of having two sides, and again, a much larger surface area.
Buy Spanish silver dollars for a great investment.
Your Latest eisenhower uncirculatred silver dollars News
1. Which way does Franklin face on the half dollar?
Should I invest in rare coins? (Part 1)
Sun, 09 Mar 2008 05:36:00 +0000
(Don't forget to read Should I be investing in rare coins? (Part 2): Auctions)
Should I invest in rare coins?
With gold on the brink of $1,000 an ounce and the stock market in a bear market, this...
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