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Occasionally, someone will come up with a new (and usually foolproof) method for coin restoration, whether dipping the coins in ketchup or vinegar or Coca-Cola. What these methods usually involve is dipping the coin in a very weak acid to restore the surface. Most of the time, they can ruin the toning (that's what acid does), causing a valuable coin to lose most of its value.
Buy silver dollars for a great investment.
Let's look at the doomsday scenario of investing. Many investors, myself included, hold gold because it is a great store of value. If our economy ever goes under (I sure hope it doesn't), gold and silver coins will be used to pay for goods and services. I sure want to hold different denominations and types of coins because not all goods and services cost the same amount. The smaller 1/10 ounce gold coins are the best for this scenario because they can be used to pay for smaller purchases. Silver coins are also really important under this scenario.
Buy u.s. mint silver dollars in our Silver Dollars Galore store.
1862 U.S. Legal Tender $1 notes. The cost of the Civil War was huge in dollars and lives. To finance the war both North and South turned to paper currency issues. The Union issued $1 and $2 currency notes beginning in 1862. A second issue of 1862-63 added $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes. Unlike the contemporary Confederate issues, the Union notes were printed in smaller numbers with better specie backing. As the war progressed the notes traded at only a percentage of their stated values; but they also traded at a major premium to Confederate notes. Today Union notes are much rarer than most Confederate issues. The $1 note is the most common. Depending on condition these notes usually sell for between $100 and $1000.
Buy silver dollars for a great investment..
After the US Civil War (1865-1935), the US government created charters for private banks to print paper money which was backed by the US Government. There were a very large number of national banks chartered from all over the USA (e.g. Nashville, Tennessee; Key West, Florida; Bismarck, North Dakota; L.A., California). Many people collect "nationals" and the prices have gone up substantially (to around the 150 dollar level on average).
Buy silver bullion dollars for a great investment.
Central banks and the International Monetary Fund play an important role in the gold price. At the end of 2004 central banks and official organizations held 19 percent of all above-ground gold as official gold reserves. The Washington Agreement on Gold (WAG), which dates from September 1999, limits gold sales by its members (Europe, United States, Japan, Australia, Bank for International Settlements and the International Monetary Fund) to less than 400 tonnes a year. European central banks, such as the Bank of England and Swiss National Bank, have been key sellers of gold over this period.
Buy discount gold bullion coins in our store.
Some silver dollars for sale Stories
3. When did the BEP produce its first American Numismatic Association souvenir card?
2008 U.S. Mint Silver Proof Sets Arrive August 26
Wed, 20 Aug 2008 20:52:59 +0000
The 2008 United States Silver Proof Set™ will be offered by the U.S. Mint Tuesday, August 26 at noon (ET). The 14 coin proof set carries the same $44.95 price tag as the 2007 sets, and no order limits are in place.
Each coin in the set bears the “S” mint mark, denoting they ...]
New U.S. Mint $1 Coin Campaign Doomed to Fail
Fri, 22 Aug 2008 19:09:36 +0000
Americans are very familiar with the continual failure of dollar coins in every day use. In recent years, the Susan B. Anthony and the Sacagawea Golden Dollar have lost their acceptance battle.
Today, the new Presidential $1 coins honoring U.S. presidents is failing. Over one billion of the coins have been minted since the series ...]
silver certificates dollars and value
1981 panda silver dollars
Tags: gold bullion coins buy sell | gold bulloin coins for sale
Labels: 1878 silver dollars, american eagle silver dollars, cheap morgan silver dollars, seated liberty silver dollars